Saturday, January 9, 2010

SMACK DOWN in the Stamp Room

Time for a ho-out and to minimize and organize. Those of you that shop at Stampin & Scrappin Tme, there will be a BIG consignment from me soon!

As I was working I took a break to get a drink of water and wipe the sweat from my brow, AND look what's out on the lake!
I think it was a duck or goose that "he" was feeding on, not sure if male or female.


Anonymous said...

... great photos ... female bald eagles are bigger than males but ... nothing to compare to. Could be a dead seagull too. Doesn't look like a duck wing but hard to tell. If it was a whole carcass it couldn't fly off with a goose very well.

Beth Thomas said...

The girls and I thought that this was pretty cool! Great photo!